Welcome to Online Gaming Blog
For the purpose of this blog, I will be using a psudo name known as Highwdin44. I would not want to put my actual name for personal reasons. However, I wnat to ensure to anyone who visits this blog that I am a real person. Not some robot nor some evildoer playing a prank. This blog is one of my creations from a bad time that I was in and it was my safe haven where I can come and talk about gaming in order to escape from my personal issues.
But before I go deeper into an area that has nothing to do with this blog. I want to give a brief and very small detail about what this blog was originally intended for and what it will become in the days going forward.
So without further-a-dew here we go!
Online Gaming Blog's Breif History
This blog was started back in late January to early February of 2012. It's original intension was to be a blog about StarCraft 2, when it was already out and being played quite a lot. It was also to prepare for the release of StarCraft 2 - Heart of the Swarms. Which the game was relased in March of 2013.
But at that time, as I mentioned above, I was gong through personal issues and I stopped developing out this blog not long after February of 2012. I could not focus on what I wanted to do and I was just all over the place. Thefore, this blog just remained abandoned for practially 8 long years.
In honesty, I thought this blog would not have any visitors, since I stopped development. But, fromt the stats, I see that more than 1,000 visitors had stopped by to visit this poorly developed blog. That I am truly grateful for and would thank you all who had previously stopped by and visit this blog.
Now that I am back 8 years later. I want to develop this blog to be place where online gamers get to read about the current games that are being played online today.
I would also like to develop this blog to be a place where visitors can visit their favorite online stores like Amazon, Best Buy, NewEgg, GameStop, Walmart, eBay, and more.
Now in 2020 in the mist of this crisis that we are currently experiencing all over the world. What once was a safe haven for me. Should now be a safe haven for you, who visit this blog to escape from today's madness.
Big Thank You
First, let me say once again, thank you to all who visited this blog during the past 8 years. It really does mean a lot to me in knowing that there is an audience who are interested in reading blog.
My hope is that this blog will continue to get visitors and hopefully become something big worldwide.
Intention For the Future
The goal for this blog is to give visitors a place to escape from today's crisis happening all over the world and into a different world where gamers can enjoy reading something differnt.
On top of making it a place to read, I want to this blog to be also a place where visitors can shop at thier favorite stores mentioned above.
Of course, it will take a lot of work for me to do. But at the end of day. I am hoping this blog will reach to it's greatest and most highest potential.
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